Google is Hiring SEOs!

I suppose the reason this is big news would be that once someone starts working at Google – they don’t usually leave anytime soon. Working at Google is a coveted position for many. A few weeks ago, we heard Google was hiring an SEO specialist to work on their Cloud...

Getting to Know Your Spam Score

Will You Be Among The Banned? Perhaps you have heard of the growing concern about sites soon to be banned by Google over spam issues. Thankfully, there is help for your site. Moz’s Spam Score has finally gone live to help keep you in the clear. You may already be...

Four Review Sites You Should Know About

“For many small businesses today, online customer review sites can be a double-edge sword. Positive reviews can be instrumental in helping you get the attention of new customers, while negative reviews can significantly damage your company’s reputation. However,...

How Not To Throw Money Away on Google AdWords

You’ve probably heard the horror stories: A beginning internet business owner decides to try AdWords and inadvertently spends thousands of dollars with no return. These horror stories happen because business owners aren’t careful and just haven’t...