7 Facebook Marketing Tips For Beginners

As a business owner, you can’t afford to let the Facebook marketing train pass you by. With over 800 million users, Facebook is a power that demands to be reckoned with, and used for marketing purposes. It just makes sense. With your target market undoubtedly...

6 New Features That Are Every LinkedIn Marketer's Dream

Are you thinking about marketing on LinkedIn but you are wondering if the site is even worth adding to your other social marketing campaigns? If you use Facebook, Twitter and other social networks for all of your marketing campaigns, you haven’t seen anything...

Five LinkedIn Marketing Dos and Don’ts

As a business professional you already know that LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional networking site. It has attracted over 120 million members and that number keeps on growing. LinkedIn is a powerful resource that can be used as a means to stay in touch with...

Video Marketing 101

Small businesses are quickly discovering the effectiveness of video marketing as a marketing tool. YouTube is leading the way to online video viewing and the amount of web traffic to their site is only expected to increase in the future. It’s safe to say that video...