Today we will explore the first two tips on creating a successful Facebook ad. These two tips are:

  • Target Your Advertisements
  • Create Facebook Compliant Advertisements

Target Your Advertisements

You want your entire advertisement to be heavily targeted towards your average customer.
This includes any images that are featured within your ads as well as the advertising text that is featured below the image.
With Facebook, you are able to set up a very targeted advertisement, including targeting specific age groups, locations, education levels, what people have indicated that they are interested in based on their profile summary, and can even target primarily men or women.
The more carefully you create highly targeted advertisements, the better your ads will perform, so make sure you spend a bit of time crafting your ads so that they effectively target your customer base.

Create Facebook Compliant Advertisements

Facebook wants to maintain a user-friendly community and in order to do this they are very strict with the types of advertisements that are allowed to be circulated throughout their network.
This means that you cannot use slang; improper grammar and you must refrain from using any images or text that could be considered offensive.
Don’t look at these guidelines as a downside to using Facebook but instead, consider how this quality control will HELP you create higher converting advertisements that are genuinely targeted to your customer base.