This is the finale in the Facebook Ad series. Today’s discussion will be on timing your advertising so that you can get the most out of your advertising dollar.

Choose The Appropriate Time To Run Your Ads

You can choose to run your advertisements continuously throughout the day or based on specific start and end dates. In most cases you will want to run your advertisements throughout the day continuously. The exception to this “rule” is unless you need to pause it for a specific reason such as if you are going away on holiday, or you find that specific times of the day are converting better (based on the locations you are interested in targeting.

Set A Reasonable Maximum Bid

You will want to set a maximum daily bid that you are comfortable with and fits within your budget.
Facebook will provide a suggested maximum bid based on the content of your advertisement and your targeting configuration.
Consider setting your maximum bid slightly lower than Facebook’s recommended minimum and adjust it as you need to based on your advertisements conversion rates and overall exposure.
If you need any help or questions, feel free to contact me.