Three Time-Saving Services for Authors

Speaking from experience, being a self-published author is challenging. Writing a book takes a lot of  time and creative energy. Then there are so many other details that need to be handled  — editors, illustrators, proofreaders, someone to format the book...

Google+1 Helps You Reach Your Target

It’s only one, tiny, insignificant button. So how come it’s changed so much in such little time? Google+1 has recently come out of nowhere and it’s slowly changing the fabric of the marketing world. What is Google+1? Google+1 is Google’s newest revolutionary...

New Kid on the Block: Google Chrome Plus

Move over Internet Explorer — it’s time for the new and improved Google Chrome Plus! As you probably know, Google Chrome has been attracting users from the established browsers because of its superior connection speed and simplicity. Just as the name says,...