Eyes to See: Using Digital Images in the ClassroomConducting a webinar can be one of many steps toward bringing potential clients into your product funnel, in fact it can be one of the first steps. Like information products, blogs, YouTube videos, and the vast array of other online tools you use, webinars can be an added component of a successful Internet marketing business that can take your business to the next level.
A webinar can seem like a daunting experience but it can create quick fans and buyers of your products if you are seriously about doing them. Since conducting a webinar is something that can be done by almost anyone with very little start up costs it should be one of your first methods of marketing.
The way it works is this:  You have created a product or service you want to sell. Then you create some sales pages and normally you start article marketing, blogging, and advertising the sales pages right?  This time instead of pointing to your sales page for your product, point them to your sales page for your webinar where you will tell them about your exciting, life changing new product or service.
You can give the webinars free, or you can charge, it is fully up to you. Many people choose to charge a dollar or two in order to not waste time on people who will not show up since space is limited this might be a good method to employ. If you already have a membership website you can offer discounts to members, and price up for non members. This is a good way to cross promote your membership program.
Next thing you will do is create your programming for the webinar.  Some possibilities are that you will discuss the problems that the new product will solve for the participants, you will answer questions, you will interact and converse over the course of the webinar which will last about an hour. The webinar will not be a hard selling session so you will be comfortable and feel at ease because you’re not selling, you’re informing, you’re solving a problem, and you’re giving them important information that they can use.
At the very end of the webinar you will tell them about your product and send them to a sales page with a coupon code since they attended your webinar, and then you’ll sit back and watch the sales come in. Sounds great doesn’t it?
But the answer to the question of why isn’t really clear is it?  The answer to why is because by adding webinars to your social marketing mix you will establish a connection with the participants that you would not have otherwise. They will be more likely to buy your product or service this way because they will not feel sold to. Online customers are street smart and cannot be fooled by snazzy tricks, and with a webinar, there are no snazzy tricks involved, it’s just you and your clients or potential clients. They will trust you because you have given valuable information or training in the webinar that they can use with or without your product or service — your service just makes it a bit easier for them.

Creative Commons License photo credit: The Daring Librarian