According to Ipsos, at least 61 percent of all consumers worldwide look up products and services online and are apt to buy from businesses with a considerable presence on the Web. This explains why your business needs to have an effective internet marketing strategy in place—something KAFE Digital Marketing can help you with. Why choose our services, you ask? We’ve outlined the most compelling reasons for you:

Our Experience
KAFE Digital Marketing provides more than 20 years’ worth of marketing experience. Ttrust our company to have a firm grasp of marketing concepts and trends, as we’ve seen these things in action over the years.
Do pay per click advertisements suit you better than social media marketing? How would a responsive web design benefit your business? You can find the answers to these questions from those who have been in the industry long enough to gauge the impact of these evolving methods.
We are Your Partners
Don’t worry if your business doesn’t have its own marketing department; we’ll be more than happy to fill that role. Your success is our success, and we won’t be satisfied with our work until you’ve achieved your marketing goals.
We Pay Attention to You
As our client, you can expect us to focus on you and you alone. We don’t offer cut-and-paste marketing solutions. Rather, we take the time to understand your industry, your business, and your goals so we can create a customized marketing strategy that best serves your interests.
We Guide You through the Process
Don’t be intimidated by phrases like ‘search engine optimization, ‘content marketing’, and ‘reputation management’. We can give you a better grasp of these concepts and how you can market your business in this day and age.
This level of transparency also reflects our pragmatic approach to marketing. After all, our clients won’t know whether they’ve achieved their goals if they have no idea how their personalized marketing plans work in the first place!
We Provide Straightforward Solutions
At KAFE Digital Marketing, we treat our clients with integrity and honesty. We won’t waste your time with gimmicky marketing solutions. Expect every recommendation we put forward to be rooted in common sense and with your best interest in mind.
Want to know more about us? Call (570)­ 431­ 9593 or send an email to We look forward to the start of our partnership!