Having a strong search engine ranking can make the difference for a small business that is trying to increase traffic to their website and boost their conversion rate from those who just visit to those who become customers. Professional services of an SEO company in Philadelphia can help the owners of small, independently owned alternative health care centers to increase their visibility on the search engine ranking page.

Optimizing Social Media Pages
SEO companies in Philadelphia can help you with the optimization of your social media pages. Having up to date and informative accounts on the major social media networks makes it easier for current and future clients to find you. You might also consider having the SEO service create ads for you. Some ads are shown at no cost to the business owner, while others are charged to you based upon when, where and how frequently they are shown.

Create Local Place Pages
When potential clients are searching for an alternative healthcare provider like you, they likely want their results to be localized. Your SEO service can help you with the creation of local pages on search engines and review sites like Yelp, Bing and Yahoo. These pages allow you to get out information about your business, including some of the most important keywords that customers would use when looking for the services that you offer.
For example, a chiropractor might include keywords like chiropractic, spine realignment and back realignment plus the name of the city or nearby towns where they would be willing to go for the service.

Include High Quality Photos
In addition to the text that is used on your website, social media and local pages, the use of high quality videos also helps to optimize your website and increase traffic. Consider having your SEO service include helpful photos such as the front of your business, closeup images of the products that you offer, customers who are receiving one of your services or photos of people who have provided testimonials about your care. Including tags with these images further enhances your website’s rankings on the most popular internet search engines.

6 Local SEO Strategies for Small Businesses, forbes.com
6 Uncomplicated Social SEO Tips for Small Businesses, constantcontact.com