Your website acts as your business’ online storefront. If your website is eye-catching and piques the interest of your visitors, the higher your chances are of converting those visitors into actual customers. Case in point: 94 percent of web users claim that design is one of the reasons why they do not trust a particular website.

If you plan to have a new website constructed for your business in Philadelphia this 2015, know that you have to find the perfect balance between stylish and functional. After all, there’s no point in having a visually stunning website with features that don’t work. With that in mind, be sure to follow these three simple web site designing tips when constructing your website:

Long-Scrolling Pages for Your Mobile Customers

As mobile devices continue to become the preferred Internet-access device in the United States, your website’s design should take these mobile users into account. Scrolling to navigate a website is much easier to do on a mobile device, as compared to clicking on links. This is a smart move for those who are looking to take full advantage of mobile responsive web design services offered by an experienced SEO company like KAFE, Inc. By making it easier for your visitors to navigate through your website, you improve the experience of your users and make them more likely to do business with you.

Be Aware of Your Color Scheme

Simply put, having too many colors on one page is distracting and can be painful for the eyes. Take a look at a color wheel to get a better idea of which colors work together. Similarly, you should limit the number of colors you use on your website to about two or three main colors. Lastly, do not place light text on a dark background as this can place a significant strain on the eyes of your visitors.

Keep It Quick and Simple

Once a user decides to visit your website, your site only has a handful of seconds to load properly. Any slower than that, and web users have no problem leaving your snail of a website and checking out one of your competitors. Do not overload your website with too many unnecessary images or plugins as these can significantly slow down the loading speed of your site.

27 Cringe Worthy Website Design Mistakes to Avoid, The Search Engine Journal
7 Web Design Trends You’ll See in 2015, The Huffington Post
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