For any business, whether it be a large corporation or something small and local, online search results are a factor when it comes to determining how well your business does. There are about 3.5 billion searches done daily on Google. That’s 3.5 billion searches! And you want to make sure that if there is anyone looking for a product or service provided by your business, they will find your information at the top of their search.
So, you want to improve your business’s online search results. But how do you know which SEO your business needs? Is it local or organic SEO? Let’s look into what the differences between the two are, which is more effective for your business and how KAFE Digital Marketing’s services can help you with either one.

Organic SEO

SEO Plans and DoodlesIs your business internet-based? If it is, it has a website with an e-mail, e-commerce facilities and information content. A business with a website that ships their product anywhere in the country would be considered internet-based because it is not dependent on a physical store; although it may have one! If you have a company like this, organic SEO may be just what you need.
Organic SEO optimizes your business’s website in order to improve its ranking and traffic. This marketing practice takes your website and makes it search engine friendly. With organic SEO, relevant keywords and content as well as trusted information on your website helps your ranking.
This marketing practice is effective with internet-based businesses because location is not a factor. Some examples of what an organic search might look like are ‘legal consultation’ or ‘hair styling tips’. The results of those searches will not be limited to one location. The sites that appear on the page will be those that have legitimate and relevant keywords, content, information and services.

Local SEO

Local SEO ServicesNow, let’s say you own a business with a brick and mortar presence. Maybe you provide your customers with a service or product that is only available in a specific area. An example would be a small coffee shop located in Atlanta. If that is the case, then the location is extremely important, and you may need local SEO for your business.
Local SEO is a marketing practice that includes a geographical component. When location is factored into a search, the results generated by the search engine are very different from organic SEO searches. How so? Well, the results show up with customer ratings and reviews, directions to your business, contact information and more on the map. To put it simply, a search engine (think Google maps) will provide geographically related results that are related to keywords.
If you have a local business, you want local SEO. It helps bring up your local business’s information when a relevant search is made. And that is especially important because 78 percent of local-mobile searches lead to purchases offline.
So, what type of business do you have today? Whether it be a brick and mortar or internet-based business, KAFE Digital Marketing can help you. We have services that can assist you with both organic SEO and local SEO, so contact us today to get started!