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We are working and developing our businesses in a global economy. So what are you doing to take your business global today and thrive? Your website reaches a worldwide audience. Your ezine goes everywhere. Your blog enjoys an international readership. But your teleconferences have probably suffered somewhat in the attempt to reach beyond the shores of your own continent due to the prohibitive costs of long distance telephone calls for individual users.
Until the advent of web conferencing that is.
The use of an internet based conference room removes all of the geographical boundaries and (long distance charges) that a typical telephone bridge line involves. Users all over the globe can participate in and enjoy the live presentation and interactivity.
Some web conference participants are willing to change their sleep patterns to participate in virtual presentations hosted in another time zone. To encourage global involvement in your web conferences, be sure to provide times in GMT as well as US time zones.
You can also consider offering repeating the web conference 12 hours later for those on the other side of the world to enjoy during their regular waking hours.
Another way that web conferencing excels over simple teleconference technology is that it allows presenters to make use of visual tools. Conference rooms move easily between full interaction modes where users can freely interact by text chat or microphones; and hard presentation modes where the presenter is in full control of everything that the users see and hear.
Many conference tools even allow for simple desktop sharing functions. You can use this to demonstrate software, or teach the group how to do something with your products. Participants see everything you do on your computer just the way that you see it. Imagine the possibilities for training international representatives to provide support locally.
If you’re really serious about expanding your business into other countries, web conferencing gives you a tool to reach out to and develop relationships with other business owners in the country you want to reach.
Your conference room becomes more than a presentation hall for big events; you can also use it as a virtual office to meet with potential partners, investors and clients.
Developing a profitable relationship takes an investment in time and to truly succeed requires a harvest of trust. The more time you can spend with your leads and potential partners, the greater your chance of success. The cost of having your own web conference room available to you 24 hours a day will seem like pocket change when compared to the cost of just a few international telephone conference calls.
Whatever your global business aspirations are, web conferencing can help you take your business global today faster and with fewer costs and complications.