As technology has evolved over the years, so have marketing efforts. In the past, handing out flyers or playing a catchy radio jingle was the norm. In today’s digital world, however, online marketing is where it’s at—and one of the best ways to market small businesses online is to take advantage of social media optimization.

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and other social media networks are more than just a way to stay in touch with family and friends. It is now a way for businesses to stay connected with both potential and existing customers. In fact, businesses that have utilized Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn have reported customer growth by 52 percent, 44 percent, and 62 percent respectively!

If you truly wish to take full advantage of social media as a marketing tool, the best way to do so would be to seek the help of social media marketing companies like KAFE, Inc. This is especially true if you do not have the time to post content on your social media profiles on a regular basis. Once you’ve done so, you can supplement the good your social media marketing company does by following these simple tips:

Add Visuals to Your Posts

“A picture is worth a thousand words”, and that couldn’t be truer for social media. Social media users will only read so far before they start to get bored, so capture their attention with stunning visuals. To prove a point, researchers have found out that tweets featuring images are 150 percent more likely to be retweeted!

Provide Your Followers with Value

While posting a video of funny cats is a good way to generate attention for your personal social media profile, the same cannot be said for business profiles. The best way to get social media users to regularly drop by your profile would be to share posts with value. Link to a useful article from your blog or a neat piece of trivia to enhance the value of your posts, and more people are bound to share your posts with their family and friends.

Interact with Customers Online

Don’t forget that the term “social media” has the word “social” in it. Don’t just be a static user who only likes to post. Pay attention to comments and respond to them. Was your business just mentioned in a tweet? Favorite the tweet and acknowledge the kind words. This is a great way to build a strong relationship with people, improving the odds of them becoming loyal customers.

Post Like a Pro: Social Media Tips for Every Small Business,
Want to Look Smart on Social Media? 5 Tips From Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter., Entrepreneur Magazine
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