You’ve probably heard the saying “content is king,” but there’s a bit more to it than that. Churning out a multitude of content isn’t enough in today’s world to get your website noticed. You need to produce quality content, and that content needs to be optimized for search engines.
SEO companies understand this very well, and they are always on top of the ever-shifting key factors that get your online content noticed.

Choose Your Keywords Carefully
Going directly after the top keywords in your industry is one way to approach your content strategy, but many businesses have learned that it can be more effective to start from the bottom up. Instead of jumping right in and attempting to take over the search results for extremely competitive keywords, clever marketers know that it can be much more effective to target long tail keywords.

A long tail keyword is a phrase that contains at least two or more words and is used to target a very niche market rather than a mass audience. Many of these keywords are easier to rank for, and when you begin to rank for large amounts of them you can bring in just as much traffic as you could by spending all of your efforts on a larger searched keyword. Targeting long tail keywords can be more cost-effective and can yield quicker results in many cases as well.

Create Epic Content Around Your Keyword
Once you’ve chosen your focus keyword for your piece of content, you’ll want to do some research to find out what other kind of content is available that revolves around that keyword. Epic content doesn’t always mean it has to be thousands of words long; it just needs to offer a lot more than what any one single piece of content out there does.

This might mean adding a lot of visuals to a piece of content, because all of the other content out there doesn’t include any visuals. Or, it could mean adding an informative case study. The main idea is to create a piece of content around your keyword that offers more than anything else out there. This will really help to get your content in front of your target audience.

If you’re having trouble getting your website to rank, you might want to seek out the services of an SEO company in Philadelphia. Creating content that ranks is just one of the many search engine optimization offerings that they’re sure to provide.

The Definition of a Long-Tail Keyword
These 9 SEO Tips Are All You’ll Ever Need to Rank in Google