Creating online press releases (PR) for your business has to be preceded by sufficient groundwork and research on search engine optimization (SEO). An article in Forbes by contributor Jayson DeMers mentions how Google’s Panda and Penguin updates in 2011 and 2012 added a new dimension for PR companies to match up to and gain benefit from for their clients, making it a challenge to build PR value online. Nevertheless, DeMers states that PRs could still be an important aspect of online marketing in 2015—as long as they have something amazing and life-changing to tell.
Philadelphia businesses that aim for wider online presence this year could expand their marketing efforts through the help of an SEO company in Philadelphia like KAFE Digital Marketing, and through the following strategies for PRs:

Choose reputable news channels
One way to have your PRs get good online mileage is to distribute them to reputable news agencies or PR networks for publication, and to ensure these outfits receive new story content from you from time to time. Needless to say, the content must be interesting, well-written, and most importantly, accurate, to pass muster in meticulous newsgroups.

Create objective content
PRs have been unfairly labelled as “praise releases” due to the tendency of some PRs to go all out on self-promotion. Do away with that connotation by presenting PRs in an objective manner without losing sight of the promotional aspect.

Highlight positive reviews
SEO companies in Philadelphia, such as KAFE Digital Marketing, can help you track down and bring to fore positive reviews about your company while creating positive content to draw your audience closer. This could be done by sharing links of the reviews and PR pieces on your business’s official social media pages.

Mention your business brand name
PRs help project a positive picture of your business, and as such, function as a tool for reputation management. DeMers says that PRs containing your business brand name give you good control of what you allow people to see online when they type the name in a search.

Apply the nofollow tag
According to experts in the field, a PR marked for online distribution need to be optimized properly before launching to help it rank well in search results without violating Google protocols for webmasters. For instance, certain pages have been categorized by Google as a nofollow site to prevent people from spamming the Internet with irrelevant links. Some of these contents are forums, pages with paid links, comments, untrusted content, and even PRs. Don’t worry that a nofollow attribute might ruin your chances at SEO; as long as your content is highly relevant to your target market, it would drive traffic to your site without being penalized.
(Source: Where Press Releases Fit In Your 2015 SEO Strategy, Forbes, 29 December 2014)