Shoppers use mobile devices such as smartphones and computers/tablets to perform their local searches for businesses and products/services. Shoppers who use mobile devices more also buy more so it literally pays to have a business website that is mobile friendly and buyer friendly.

  • 77% of mobile searches occur at home or work, while 17% on the go.
  • 79% of smartphone owners use their smartphones to assist with shopping at least once a month or more.
  • 90% of smartphone shoppers use their phone for pre-shopping activities such as:
  1. Find location/directions (58% )
  2. Find hours (57%)
  3. Make price comparisons (44%)
  4. Find promo offers (44%)
  5. Browse (43%)
  6. Find where specific products are sold (32%)
  7. Find product information (31%)
  8. Find product availability in-store (31%)
  9. Find product reviews (30%)
  • 84% of smartphone shoppers use their devices to help shop while they are actually in a store. Of these, 82% use a search engine to find additional information about a product, while 62% go straight to the store’s website.
  • When doing their pre-buying research, 65% of in-store shoppers prefer to view mobile sites rather than use an app to get the information they’re looking for.
  • 3 of 4 mobile searches lead to at least 2 customer actions such as more research, a store visit, a phone call, a purchase or info sharing.
  • These follow-up actions also happen very quickly. 55% of conversions (store visit, phone call or purchase) happen within an hour.
  • 28% of mobile searches result in conversions such as a store visit, call, or purchase.
  • When people use mobile searches to help them make a decision about a business, product, or service, they are:
  1. 57% more likely to visit a store
  2. 51% more likely to make a purchase
  3. 39% more likely to call a business
  4. 30% more likely to visit a retailer website
  • Mobile Advertising, which essentially requires a business to have its own website, is effective:
  1. 65% of respondents noticed ads during the study
  2. 59% of people find mobile ads useful
  3. Computer/tablet users say it’s most important to have the store address and phone number in ads.
  4. Smartphone users say it’s most important to have directions and the call button on ads.
  • 34% of consumers on tablets or computers will go to a store within a day of conducting a local search.