Reviewed by: Angela Wills,
I just wanted to let you know how much I love Meeting On Now. I’m a big fan of networking and sometimes you just get tired of reading through forums so having a conference room to chat with people and network with is a refreshing change.
After trying quite a few different conference rooms out with others I was networking with I enjoy the Meeting on Now room the best because it just feels like a friendly atmosphere.
I love the way you can chat while also looking at someone’s website. It’s also great that only one person can have the microphone at a time and the way it’s set up it makes it easy for people to have a turn because you can see who’s talk and people can also type something if they want to add to the conversation but don’t have a mic.
Great job on this awesome conferencing software, I’ll be for sure using it whenever I need to conduct a conference of my own as well.
Visit Meeting On Now to find out how web conferencing can benefit your business.