Shoppers use local searches to find what they want to purchase and where they want to purchase it. To maximize sales, businesses need a website that shows up in the search engines and local search results.

  • 85% of consumers search for local business information online rather than in a phone book.
  • 61% of local searches result in a purchase.
  • In the U.S., there are over 3 billion local searches per month.
  • 59% of consumers say they use Google search on a monthly basis (or more) to find good local business.
  • Almost 50% of all searches on Google are local. This is expected to rise to 60% within the next 12 – 15 months.
  • 18% of local searches lead to sales, compared to 7% for non-local searches.
  • More than 60% of consumers have used location information in ads.