Small businesses across the country are struggling to stay afloat amid COVID-19 restrictions on social gatherings and stay-at-home orders. You need a plan that will help you get your company back up and running as quickly as possible so you can start earning profits and recovering from your losses. Digital marketing is a must right now! With everyone spending more time at home working, learning, and living online, small businesses need to prioritize their online presence.

KAFE Digital Marketing can help you navigate the complexities of digital marketing, organic search engine optimization (SEO), and website development to promote your brand online and start selling again. Here are some of our best marketing insights to help your business thrive post-pandemic.

Prepare Your Business for Reopening

   Before launching your marketing campaigns, make sure your business is ready to welcome customers! For example, you will have to implement new safety protocols to protect your customers from COVID-19, improve your cleaning practices, and rehire any staff you laid off while your business was closed.

You could also take this opportunity to make improvements to your business. Consider investing in some new equipment that will help you run your business as smoothly as possible. For example, if your business tablet or smartphone is getting slow and inefficient, purchasing a new model can make a huge difference. Look for wireless providers offering limited-time discounts so you can get a great deal on a new device. You may also want to upgrade your business mailing equipment so you can save time and get your products shipped as quickly as possible.

Review Your Business Analytics

   The best digital marketing strategies are born out of impactful analytical observations. If you were marketing your business online before the pandemic, review your analytics and take note of the strategies that were working best for you. For example, you may find that most of your website visitors were coming from organic search results. In this case, it would be worthwhile to focus on boosting your website SEO by publishing blog posts, using internal links, and encouraging backlinks.

Boost Your Online Presence

  If there was ever a time to focus on your web presence, it’s now. Make sure your customers can find your business online! This is important whether your business exists entirely online or if you operate a physical storefront in your local community. Focusing on local SEO can drive a surprising amount of foot traffic to your local business! Believe it or not, 46% of all Google searches are for information about local businesses, according to HubSpot. What’s more, 72% of people who perform a local search will visit a store within five miles. Get yourself listed on Google My Business so people can find you when searching for local options. And if you don’t have a website, have one built right away!

Get Active on Social Media

   Marketing your small business doesn’t have to be expensive. In fact, there are several ways to promote your small business online without spending any money at all! If you haven’t already, create business accounts on social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook so you can start building up a following and engaging with your customers. Spend some time every day posting valuable content and responding to comments from your followers.

The coronavirus could be a good opportunity to show your social media followers how much you value them. Think of ways that you can leverage your social media strategy to better connect with your consumers during this testing time. For example, Impact recommends getting your customers to engage with your brand by encouraging them to create user-generated content!

Being a business owner right now isn’t easy. However, watching your business thrive and grow post-shutdown will be incredibly rewarding. Set yourself up for success by implementing a strategic marketing plan that won’t break the bank!

If you need help getting your brand in front of your customers during this tough time, KAFE Digital Marketing can help! Contact us today so we can create an action plan to boost your online presence. Call 1-570-431-9593.