SoundPrismDo you know what the number one mistake Internet marketers make when they email their subscribers? They forget to have a call to action.  Yes, even your email should have a call to action, either a call to come contribute to an ongoing discussion at your blog, or a call to join your membership program, or a call to buy your information product. Ask something of your subscribers. You are giving them valuable and free information via their subscription, it is expected and perfectly fine to ask for the sale.
Many Internet marketers do not like selling, they feel bashful asking their subscribers to spend money, but after months of building trust, you must ask them to do something. Otherwise what is the point.
Very few people are going to buy your information, join your membership, or participate with you in discussions if you do not straight out ask them to. Of course, a certain percentage will, they are joiners and they’re probably already out there cheerleading for your cause, but the others, they need you to ask.
Remember your subscribers have opted in, asked for you to send them information. So if you offer value, provide instructions, and tell them to sign up, or join, many will. You should not beg them, but you should ask in a creative non threatening way by building excitement for the reader. Put yourself in their place: “Wow, this is a great deal I’m in” is a great way to pull members further into your funnel with a slight push, but requires no begging to accomplish.
If you are excited about your offerings, and you know the value, that will shine through in the words that you use to attract buyers. Be sure of yourself, know your value, and give your subscribers fast and easy purchasing power with buttons right in your email instructing them to click here to thrilled now.
Creative Commons License photo credit: Gustavo Pimenta