Is Your HVAC Business in Front of Home Buyers on the Internet?

According to 91% of consumers use search engines to look for service providers in their area. When it comes to service professionals, people trust the internet more than word-of-mouth referrals, phone books or traditional advertising. This may have you wondering what internet channels will be the most productive for you and your business. Let’s review four areas that you must be on in order to gain an edge over your competition.

Where Consumers Go to Find Their HVAC Technicians

If consumers put HVAC companies into their favorite search engine, will your company make the cut?  You need to be on Google+ Local, Bing Places and Yahoo Local. These are the sites that people use when looking for professional services like yours.  In addition to “The Big 3” is your business visible on directories, blogs and social media?  Ask yourself, when they do research on your company will they find solid customer reviews and compelling content that will help them to choose you over your competitors?

Why Your Website Matters More Than Ever!

The internet is like a living organism — always changing and growing. Is your website keeping up with the pack? Did you know that 61% of digital consumption now takes place on phones and tablets? Does your website look good on mobile? Does it adjust and display correctly across the digital devices available today? Don’t lose business because consumers can’t navigate easily through your site on their phones.

Let Us Increase Your  Visibility Online

If your answer to any of the questions is “no” don’t worry about it because we’re here to help. We’ve developed services to address your concerns:

  • Brand Optimization
  • Brand Booster
  • Brand Expander
  • Social Media

These marketing services can build and expand your brand’s presence across the Web and in specific locations. We’ll help you attract and nurture more leads, convert them into clients, and build a positive online reputation for your brand.
Fill out the form today or call us for an appointment.