Social media optimization or SMO is fast becoming an essential part of growing an online business. Many business owners already know that search engine optimization is something they must incorporate into their website in order to get the best search engine ranking, however, SMO is often an area where some business owners fail to see the value. As a business owner yourself, know that with proper SMO, it’s possible to increase your site’s traffic and conversions even more than usual.

Today, consumers expect to find information, products and services simply by using one of the major search engines. These search engines use algorithms to return results that match the user’s query as closely as possible. While utilizing onsite SEO as well as effective linking strategies can help the site rank higher in search results, another very important factor is online engagement. This is where the SMO services provided by social media marketing companies provide an important service.

What SMO Companies Do
Social media marketing companies offer services such as helping to brand your business. A company that specializes in social media optimization can help businesses create a great online presence. Every business owner needs to realize that prospective clients and customers are utilizing various social media platforms to find information as well as products and services. Meeting customers where they’re looking is at the core of social media marketing.

What Branding Brings to the Table
Branding adds credibility and familiarity to your business. Most consumers feel more comfortable purchasing from a company that they know. Whether they’ve actually done business with the company or have just seen their name across many social media platforms, familiarity helps increase customer confidence.

Steps to SMO Success
Some easy steps in social media optimization include creating a presence on major social media platforms by providing quality content. Additionally, this content should be easy to share. When people find your content interesting, they might want to share it, but they aren’t going to spend a great deal of time trying to figure out how to send it to a friend or family member. It’s important to have easy-to-see share buttons for each social media platform.

Companies that offer social media optimization services like Kafe Digital Marketing can monitor social media sites and help with reputation management, if needed.

(What is SMO?,
(Essentials of Integrating SEO and Social Media,