Google Analytics: How to Identify Top Performing Sales Pages By PercentageTwitter is a relatively new social media, yet it’s already becoming increasingly important in today’s business landscape to have a well thought-out Twitter strategy. Why is a Twitter strategy so important? Can’t you just skip Twitter and do okay anyway?

Read on to learn more about the benefits of using Twitter and why internet-conscious business owners should really begin implementing strong Twitter strategies.
Twitter Has the Traffic
It’s a well-known internet axiom: “Go where the traffic is.”
Every day, 3 million tweets are sent out on Twitter. Every month, over 8 million different people use Twitter.
To put it simply, the sheer number of people using Twitter makes it a very strong platform to be on.
Twitter is a Multi-Purposed Business Tool

There are many different ways to use Twitter. Unlike other marketing tools which just have one use (e.g. AdWords = Generate traffic), Twitter can be used for many things.

It can be used to get new people into your funnel. People who’ve never heard of you will discover you and your products when someone retweets a tweet from you that they liked.

Twitter can also be used as a follow-up tool to existing customers. People who wouldn’t normally give away their email address would feel very comfortable following you on Twitter instead.

Twitter can also be used as a PR rescue tool. If there’s ever a PR emergency, such as a bad rumor circulating, it can be addressed instantaneously with Twitter instead of using other methods that take a lot longer.

Finally, Twitter’s search capabilities make it easy to see what other people are saying about your company, your market and your competitors. It can be a mighty powerful research tool.

That’s just a handful of the different ways to use Twitter. As you can tell, it is a very powerful tool that can be used in many, many different ways.
Different People Have Different Communication Preferences

Your customers have a lot of choices in how they stay in touch with your company. They can just bookmark your site and come back when they want. They can give you their email. They can follow your RSS. They can join your Facebook page. Or they can follow you on Twitter.

The reality is, everyone has different preferences on how they want to be communicated to. There is a very, very large audience on the internet that prefers Twitter over just about every other medium.

The idea isn’t to use Twitter to replace other mediums. The idea is to give your customers the medium they prefer. If they like Twitter and prefer to follow content through Twitter rather than other means, it’s usually in your best interest to let them do so.

Twitter has the traffic, has many compelling business uses and has a strong following of people who prefer to get updates via Twitter rather than any other means. These are three very powerful reasons why just about any business owner should seriously consider building a Twitter strategy for their business.

Creative Commons License photo credit: Ivan Walsh