You have a small to mid-sized business, and you are looking to grow. How do you do that? Two words – Community Marketing. Do you have your business information online already? That’s a great start. But it may not be enough to give your business that push, or shove, it needs to establish a strong online presence. So, let’s talk about what local marketing is and what it can do for your business. And for an added bonus – what you can do right now with KAFE Digital Marketing to test your business standing online.

So, What Exactly is Community Marketing?

   Community marketing is just what it sounds like. It is marketing in and around your local area. Digital marketing’s goal is to introduce a business and promote it through the internet. And one thing to keep in mind is how your business’s location affects your marketing results.

The greater the distance between a potential customer and your business, the less likely they will buy from you. That doesn’t sound so great, does it? That’s why distance needs to be factored into marketing strategy. Marketing within 10 miles of your business helps maximize resources and yield better results.

Why Should I Care?

  In America, the average person spends about 24 hours each week on the internet. That is a lot of time spent online. And many of those people surfing the web are your potential customers.

One of the many things we can do to help your business is to optimize your site for local searches. There are billions of people online at this very moment. And you want to be able to reach not just anyone, but the target audience in your area so that they can find you easily.

Local Marketing and Your Business’s Reviews

   Ninety-two percent of people use the internet to search for local businesses. Eighty-eight percent of people consider online reviews to be just as important as personal recommendations. And 72 percent of people are more likely to take action on your site after reading a positive review. To get to the point, what people have to say about your business is important if you want to improve your local marketing on the internet.

These days, people are using their electronic devices to search for the locations of businesses like yours. And one of the things determining search results are positive reviews. KAFE Digital Marketing has a service that can assist you in monitoring and responding to reviews. It can preserve your business’s reputation and also help you engage with your customers.

What You Can Do for Your Business Right Now

   You know local marketing is important. And that good online reviews can put your business’s site at the top of a search. But how do you know where your business ranks among all the other sites out there? With a test, of course! And we have that for you too.

KAFE Digital Marketing offers consultations and services to help your business establish a strong online presence. To start, you can visit to see how your business is ranked online. Answer a few questions about your business to access valuable information. Take a few minutes to see how you can fix your listings right now.