Internet marketers everywhere are always searching for new ways to reach out to online audiences and get noticed. The following are ten reasons why, if you want more exposure, leads, customers and sales, you will definitely want to use the social network for professionals: LinkedIn.

1. Your Competitors May Have Profiles

LinkedIn reached 100 million users early last year and the social site continues to grow every day. Don’t let your competitors get the one-up on you. Make a profile on LinkedIn today and prove that you are a force to be reckoned with.

2. Profiles Of All Fortune 500 Executives

This just goes to show you the caliber of professionals that have profiles on LinkedIn. By creating your own profile, you could soon be rubbing elbows with luminaries in your industry.

3. No Need To Hide Your Business Dealings

On Facebook, Twitter and other social networks, you typically have to mask your true marketing and advertising intentions. Not on LinkedIn. It’s a social site for professionals by professionals. Everyone on LinkedIn is talking about business so your business dealings will feel right at home.

4. It’s Made For Networking

Facebook and other social networks are about connecting, but it’s more about friends and followers. LinkedIn is all about connecting with other business-minded professionals. By expanding your network on LinkedIn, you never know what kind of opportunities will come your way.

5. Great Source Of Market Information

If you are conducting market research, you will find that very easy to do on LinkedIn. You can use LinkedIn Answers to see what types of problems people are having, you can keep up-to-date on the latest happenings with professionals and companies in your industry and you can even conduct polls to get inside the mind of your audience. Never before has market research been so easy.

6. Two Words: Professional Groups

Professional groups allow you to rub elbows with others in your field. By engaging in conversations in professional groups, you will become more well-known, you will be able to showcase your expertise and you may meet some connections that turn into big opportunities somewhere down the line.

7. Free Service With Paid Options

LinkedIn is free to use for the basic service, which pretty much allows for full functionality. Of course, there is a paid option that gives you even more ways to boost your prominence in your field.

8. Applications Make LinkedIn Versatile

With LinkedIn Applications, you can create a profile that does pretty much anything you want. Display videos and slide shows right from your profile, provide downloadable content, announce events and more.

9. Affordable Paid Advertising

LinkedIn has ventured into the PPC market with affordable LinkedIn advertising. For as little as $10 per day, a LinkedIn ad can bring in more profile views, product sales and service contracts, and a whole lot more.
If you want to rise to the top of your field, LinkedIn will make it simple and easy. Let us help you find  your ideal partners and grow your business. Download a copy of Social Media Optimization to learn more, or just give us a call at (570)­ 431­-9593.